Welcome @ book my trips. :) Ready for some Wanderlust?
Wellenreiten und Schnorcheln im türkis-blauen Wasser der Algarve, Strand-Hopping auf Mallorca oder Flanieren durch die schönen Gassen von Florenz: Euch gefällt eine meiner Reisen und ihr wollt sie nachbuchen? Kein Problem! Hier auf dieser Seite findet ihr eine Übersicht über alle meine Reisen inklusive Informationen zu Flug, Unterkunft, Mietwagen, Reiseroute und Co.
Noch nie war es einfacher eine Reise nachzubuchen. :) Ein Klick auf Details und ihr kommt zu dem dazugehörigen Blogpost.
Surfing in Portugal, beach-hopping at Mallorca and walking through the lovely streets of Florence:
You enjoyed one of my trips that much that you decided to book the same trip. I'm happy to announce that you are here at the right place.On this page you will get an overview over my past journeys including all informationen on hotels, restaurants, cars and the travel route.
It has never been easier to book the my trips. :) If you click on details you can read all about my experiences again.
Rom in zwei Tagen und das ganz ohne Stress? Ja, dies ist machbar. Da alle Sehenswürdigkeiten sehr dicht nebeneinander stehen, könnt ihr ganz entspannt euren 2-Tagestrip nach "Bella Italia" genießen. Den Blogpost zu meinem 2-Tagestrip findet ihr hier.
Rome in two days? Yes, it is possible. If you follow our tour, you can do it too, without having any stress. Just relax and enjoy the dolce vita. Rome in 2 days isn't stressful. All the sights are very close together. And don't forget to enjoy "Bella Italia"! :)
for the Foro Romano and the Collosseum Tiqets
for the Foro Romano and the Collosseum Tiqets
Things-To-See and -Do
Best Panino: PaninoDivino
Best Panino: PaninoDivino
Pizza: Solo
Ice Cream: La Strega Nocciola
Our Route: Google Maps
Ich war im November für drei Wochen auf Hawaii und hatten richtig Glück mit dem Wetter, denn im hawaiianischen Winter kann es auch oft regnen. Dennoch war es immer angenehm warm. :)
Surfing at the famous Waikiki Beach, making a roadtrip to the most impressive beaches, as well as hiking - O'ahu has many things to offer. I was there in November and had a great time. The weather was pretty good even though we had some rainy days. Be aware, that there might me some rainy days in November. But it's still very warm. :)

Booked via Checkfelix
Condor: Frankfurt - Vancouver (10 hours)
Hawaiian Airlines: Vancouver - Honolulu (5hours 5 minutes)
Rental Car
We booked through check24.de and everything was fine. The prices were fair. For a Jeep we payed 80 € - 100 € including all insurances.
Things-To-See and -Do
Roadtrip to the most beautiful beaches at O'ahu including a Google Maps with our route
The most impressives waterfalls, again inluding a Google Maps with all stops
3 Tage Algarve: Sonnenschein, Sonnen am Sandstrand, Tapas essen und dem Sonnenuntergang am süd-westlichsten Punkt Europas bewundern. Ein Kurztrip an die Algarve lohnt sich auf alle Fälle. Auch für drei Tage (einen Tag An-und Abreise abgezogen). Wer wie ich den Sommer liebt, kann ab April durchaus schon bei 25 Grad baden gehen. :)
3 days Algarve: endless sunshine, taking a sunbath at the beach, eating tapas and watching the amazing sunset - doesn't sound that great? A short trip to the Algarve is perfect for all of you, who love summer. From April to September you can enjoy the summer vibes there. :)
Booked via Checkfelix
Hamburg - Faro (3hours 20 minutes)
We stayed in this Airbnb. It is located right in the centre (old town) of Lagos. Within 5 minutes you are at the beach or at the shopping street.
Free Wifi
Rental Car
We travel almost every year to the Algarve and book our car via Luzcar. The prices are good and the booking and pick-up process is very fast.
Things-To-See and -Do
Tapas Restaurant: Meu Limao Lagos
Best Pizza: Pizza d' Luigi Travessa dos Tan..
Blogpost with all tipps, including Google Maps with all spots
Drei Tage - eine Insel
Mit unserem kleinen Flitzer (Smart) machten wir uns auf den Weg zur Süd-Ostküste, wo wir ein Apartment in der Finca-Anlage Sa Nau Villas gemietet haben, die früher ein mallorquinischer Bauernhof war. :) Der Süd-Osten der Insel ist für mich ein absoluter Geheimtipp. Es ist nicht so überlaufen wie in anderen Teilen der Insel und es befinden sich die schönsten Strände dort.
Three Days - One Island
We picked up our cute, little car (Smart) and left the airport. Our destination was the little finca complex Sa Nau Villas with three pools, free wifi and modern apartments. I felt immediately in love! :) From the airport it takes you about 40 minutes to get to the Sa Nau Villas. The Villas are located in the south-eastern part of the island. For me this part of the island is the most beaufiul one. The beaches are great!
Booked via Ryanair
We stayed at the Sa Nau Villas. All apartments have free wifi and access to the three swimming pools. If you are not planning to stay there all day long, you definitely need a car. :)
Rental Car
At Mallorca you have the choice between many rental car companies. We made some good experiences with Sixt.
Blogpost with all tipps and more pictures Google Maps with all spots
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